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  • Writer's pictureZozo


Finally moved... I've moved my whole life, usually country to country, this was to another state. Sure felt like moving countries! But we made it, the only thing that broke was the TV... the sound's not coming on, kind of annoying finding out after it was mounted. But, c'est la vie. Last time me and the wife moved, my buddy Bryan, hurrying up like he does, dropped it from the truck, it was full of clothes and was heavy. CRASH! Then a bunch of us looking at each other. I didn't really help the situation when I presented the broken dresser to my wife when I said, "How do you like your new dresser!"

The office is coming together nicely, I've been able to start working on my Art projects. Paid for the domain, I thought screw it, I'm tired of not remembering my website since it was some long word and numbers strewn together., much easier to remember. I need to upload some of my newer art onto here, but really, I've been trying to find some local print shops I can rely on, I think I might've found one. I'm ordering prints of the newer art, ordered packs of frames, I'll gift them to some friends and people with tattoo shops and stuff like that. Was even thinking of renting a booth on first Friday art walks and have a bunch of prints, hand out cards and stickers to people who buy with my info on it. I mean honestly, I'm just trying to get the artwork spread locally, which could open up some jobs.

So far since moving I was hired to design labels for a spice company. They were so happy it might've gotten me a cookbook design job, pretty random, but it pays! The thing about being an artist is, you gotta sometimes lend your talents to some odd things. Spices for example. I hope to try the brand when the flavors come out, since I love cooking.

But the main point is to get my work out there, so... checking out galleries too, it's weird though, like, as an oil painter, if I saw someone come in with framed prints, I'd think why is this in a gallery? Because they're prints it seems to delegitimize the art since it can be printed out over and over again. I get that. It almost seems like the digital art needs to be displayed with a projector or some sort of digital frame and animated to be taken seriously. NFTs are sort of a waste, might as well throw the artwork in a void with all the others. And digital frames at the sizes needed would costs thousands... Can you imagine where you have 15-20 art pieces, a digital frame for each one? So, right now I'm stuck with prints and trying to solidify everything.

I'm going to keep trying to write consistently too, now that I bought the domain, I believe I can even put up more videos, so subscribe, and keep a lookout!


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